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Department of Business and Economics

Fundamentals of Econometrics

Module: Module 7b: Information and Data Analysis II
Lecturer: Michael Böhm
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and exercise
Language: German
Date and place: Wednesday 8:30-10:00 (L) - Audimax
Tuesday  8:30-10:00 and 10:15-11:45 (E) - HG II HS 6
Beginning: 09 April 2025
Exam: Written exam

Contents overview

In the course "Fundamentals of Econometrics", students are familiarised with the basics of the econometric approach. The students learn to investigate economic problems by means of statistical data analysis. First, causality and the experimental ideal are discussed. Then bivariate and multivariate regression analysis are dealt with. There is also a systematic presentation of important special topics in regression. Finally, panel data and methods are introduced.

In the tutorials, in addition to theoretical tasks, the methods learned are applied practically. This is done using statistical software and data sets from actual economic problems.

Prerequisites and grading

This course (7.5 credits) forms the compulsory module 7b (Information and Data Analysis II) for Bachelor students at the Faculty of Business and Economics. In addition, the module is a compulsory elective module in the Bachelor WiWi for the teaching profession at vocational college as well as in the Bachelor Logistics, Industrial Engineering. Complementary/minor subject in the Bachelor of Applied Literature, Cultural Studies and Linguistics, Educational Sciences, Journalism, Mathematics, Medical Physics, Statistics and Master of Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

The underlying literature is the book "Introduction to Econometrics" by James Stock and Mark Watson and the book "Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect" by Joshua Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke.  

Although there are no prerequisites for participation, statistical basics (from Module 1) are especially recommended.

Grading is primarily based on a graded examination in the form of a written test.

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