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Artikel in Fachzeitschriften

Böhm, Michael J. and Qendrai, Pamela. "System Relevance and Firm Performance Due to COVID-19" German Economic Review, vol. 24, no. 4, 2023, pp. 349-410.

Möller, Fabian. 2023 "Do changes in the Capital Gains Tax lead to illicit capital flows? Evidence from Ireland." Applied Economics Letters.

Böhm, Michael J., Daniel Metzger and Per Strömberg. 2023. “‘Since You’re So Rich, You Must Be Really Smart’: Talent, Rent Sharing, and the Finance Wage Premium.”  Review of Economic Studies, October 2023, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 2215-2260.

Böhm, Michael J., Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, and Felix Schran. 2023. “Occupation Growth, Skill Prices, and Wage Inequality.Journal of Labor Economics, January 2024, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 201–243.

Böhm, Michael J., and Christian Siegel. 2021. “Make Yourselves Scarce: The Effect of Demographic Change on the Relative Wages and Employment Rates of Experienced Workers.” International Economic Review 62 (4): 1537–1568.

Böhm, Michael J., Terry Gregory, Pamela Qendrai, and Christian Siegel. 2021. “Demographic Change and Regional Labour Markets.Oxford Review of Economic Policy 37 (1): 113–131.

Böhm, Michael J. 2020. “The price of polarization: Estimating task prices under routine-biased technical change.Quantitative Economics 11 (2): 761–799.

Fortin, Nicole M., Brian Bell, and Michael J. Böhm. 2017. “Top earnings inequality and the gender pay gap: Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.Labour Economics 47: 107–123.

Böhm, Michael J., and Martin Watzinger. 2015. “The Allocation of Talent over the Business Cycle and its Long‐term Effect on Sectoral Productivity.Economica 82 (328): 892–911.

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Böhm, Michael J., Etheridge, Ben and  Irastorza-Fadrique Aitor. " The Impact of Labour Demand Shocks when Occupational Labour Supplies are Heterogeneous." June 2024, revise and resubmit Economis and Social Research Council.

Böhm, Michael J. and Pamela Qendrai. “System Relevance and Firm Performance due to COVID-19.” October 2023, revise and resubmit at German Economic Review.

Böhm, Michael J., Khalil Esmkhani and Giovanni Gallipoli. “Firm Heterogeneity in Skill Returns.” September 2023, revise and resubmit at Journal of Labor Economics.